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Lagon Revue vol. 9

Acacio Ortas​, Adriaen Coenen​, ​Anna Haifisch​, ​Bettina Henni​, Chris Harnan & Julien Gobled, Daria Chernyshova​, ​Denis Boudouard​, ​Élie Partouche​, Félicité Landrivon (Brigade Cynophile)​, ​Flore Chemin​, ​François de Jonge​, ​Jack Tezam​, J​ean-​P​hilippe​ Bretin​, Jin Angdoo​, Julie Redon​, ​​Louka Butzbach​, Marie Jacotey​, M​att​ Mullican​, ​Melek Zertal​, ​Paul Descamps​, Paul Lemaitre, Rozenn Voyer ​& ​Clément Faydit​, Sébastien Sans-Arcidet​, Séverine Bascouert, ​Son Ni & Chihoi​, ​Y​ûichi Yokoyama​, ​Laetitia Gendre​, Sammy Stein​, Xavier Robel​, Zoë Taylor

15,5 × 21,5 cm  412 pages offset printed with 8 colours on different papers including neon and metallic inks  Gouache silk-screen printing   1600 copies  English and French +  translation booklet  Silkscreen: Séverine Bascouert / L’Institut Sérigraphique  Book printing: Musumeci (IT) Translation booklet printing : Élie Partouche (Association Presse Offset, Paris)  Artist selection: Sammy Stein  Design: Jean-Philippe Bretin  Edited by Lagon revue  With the support of the Centre National du Graphisme and the Centre National du Livre.  December 2022